Your Vote can change hyderabad - must read know how ?

I represent an educated common man,i have a knowledge of other places and other communities as i had traveled and met the people from North to south.
where ever i go ..people asks me abt from where i am ?

when i say "Hyderabadi"

people say achaa app hyderabadi bahuth kuch soona hey hyderabad ke baremi ,
which makes me proud becoz hydi people are atleast kind and respectful in other places.

but the Glory is Shattered now in MIM dark desperate regime.
[my other blogs shows how evediently MIM activists are in hunting spree]

My point is clean simple to all the both Muslim and Hindu communities...

  • why to restore the glory of hyderabad
  • whats a hyderabadi's role in voting to change
  • how can you elect the Change !

Lack of development and deteriorating civic infrastructure have been the lot of
inhabitants of the Old City for the last three or four decades.

People from all over india comes to see the great monument of Charminar in hyderabad but did you ever think on how bad they conclude on our great hyderabad city ?

Great hyderabad now looks in MIM rule with Pathetic roads replete with encroachments,overflowing sewage,garbaged piled up and lanes sans adequate lighting.

Four decades still there isnt any developement in core old hyderabad although still the slogan "hyderabad meri shan remains in hearts of people"

Lets bring a change strive for a cause for our hyderabad
-your every vote can count against the present MIM domination.

Whats your Role ?

By birth on this holy land you acquire seven fundamental rights.

The constitution which maintains the state of house has given
you an enormous power to elect your own candidate for ruling your own
place and solve your own problems and to induce in upgrading in your standards of education,removing poverty,healthier life..etc

but do you see the change of life status in your hyderabad..
rich is going to be richer,poor is going to be more poorer.
drawing a deadly line of separation in the existing imbalanced economy.

You every vote is swallowed by evil politicians becoz many feel to vote for
community,cheap money,liquor etc at the election moment.

you get a chance once in every 5 years to vote for a change and if your
are not voting are no more than a sick person for whom medicine is
in ur own hands but couldnt swallow the bitter reality for a change.

Let stop all this COMMUNITY,CASTE,LIQUOR,MONEY for your better
future of tommarow for our hyderabad.

How a single person can change Hyderabad ?

Vote is your right..Vote for a change..
Vote for a cause
..Vote to save hyderabad.
When it comes to choose for a change in hyderabad.
Leaders,Leadership need to be changed as they failed to solve the basics
problems of our community.

checkout each MIM politician backed by muscle and money power.
Now elections aren't the cakewalk for MIM politicians under the name of community.

lets end this dark regime and bring back the lost glory and hope to the city back.

Decide to vote for Zahid ali khan [TDP(mahakutami)-MP-hyd]

it isn't Blind to vote checkout his profile,the one man army against MIM dark regime who is converting stones thrown at him by alleged MIM activists into Milestones.

Mr.Zahid Ali khan is a clean person with no corruption charges at all in his history,who is always into donations to the poor communities,offering them free Education through scholarship programs through his funds obtained from Siasat Newspaper daily.

let the change be Inevitable - End the Gundaraj of MIM.

My three-point agenda would be to provide education to every child, improve the financial status of minorities and restoring the glory of Hyderabad-Zayid Ali Khan.